Join the New Jersey Brewing community that listens, connects, and acts for you.

  • Start-up or sophisticated legacy business, NJBA is your first stop for the brewing, business, financial, and marketing information you’ll need to succeed in NJ from day one to day now.

  • With the rapid changes in the NJ brewing industry, members have access to peers and experts in our private forums to ask questions as they arise.

  • Members gain access to legal and lobbyist support to help #saveNJbeer together and navigate their own ABC, local and state regulations. 

  • Network and learn from the best New Jersey Breweries and Allied Trade Members at regular member meetings and events. 

  • NJBA works to support members with marketing, brewing knowledge resources, equipment advice, financial referrals, and more.

  • Gain practical knowledge, stay connected, and speak with a powerful political voice 365 days a year.


Become a Member Today!

We truly believe in the more the merrier and there is power in numbers. The more breweries and allies that are involved in the NJBA, the more unified our voice becomes, and the more we can help create an industry that works for everyone. Want to join the cause?

Learn more about NJBA Membership

Join Us to Help #SaveNJBeer!

New Jersey Craft Beer businesses have been heavily regulated by the New Jersey government. Affecting operations from new-customer greetings to tightly restricting events and food service, these moves are making it increasingly difficult to operate a brewery in the black. NJBA works hard through our team of professional lobbyists and organizers to change these trends, but we desperately need your help!

Your own stories of what NJ Breweries have meant to you and your community are the most powerful tools we have. Not just at the state level, reach out to your local mayors, town councils, and county officials. Find local contact information here.

Learn more about getting active to #saveNJbeer!

NJ Brewers Association and Member Events

The flagship NJ Brewers Association event is always the Battleship Beer Festival in September, but NJBA and its members bring people together at farmers markets, festivals and neighborhoods all year long. Attending and supporting is one of the easiest ways you can help #SaveNJBeer.

There are so many we could never list them all, but find selected events and meetups on the NJBA Calendar and Facebook Page.

See Upcoming Events!